This is the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats and pumps blood.

The top number is the systolic blood pressure and is the largest number. We measure blood pressure with two numbers. It is important to have your blood pressure measured regularly and know your blood pressure numbers. They may be at risk for hypertension and should have their blood pressure checked. If you are told you have high blood pressure tell your family members. Kidney problems can cause high blood pressure. This can be done by measuring the salts in your blood and by testing your urine. people with diabetes and high blood pressure must be monitored closely and need to strive for lower blood pressure targets. Most people with high blood pressure have other risks for heart disease and stroke such as high cholesterol. Have your blood pressure measured regularly. Monitoring your own blood pressure with a home blood pressure monitor can be helpful. Your doctor may diagnose hypertension right away if your blood pressure is extremely high or may ask you to come back for several visits before a diagnosis can be made.īlood pressure should be measured when you are relaxed and rested because most people Have higher readings when they are under physical or emotional stress. One high blood pressure reading does not necessarily mean you have hypertension. Remember, even if you are young you could still have high blood pressure so get your blood pressure checked. You may not experience any symptoms if you have high blood pressure so you should have your blood pressure measured regularly throughout your life. Leading risks for death in North America. These problems can be prevented if high blood pressure is controlled. It is also related to dementia and sexual problems. High blood pressure can cause strokes, heart attacks, and heart and kidney failure. High blood pressure is the leading risk for death. More than nine in ten Canadiens will develop high blood pressure (hypertension) unless they follow a healthy lifestyle. The higher your numbers and the longer they are high, the more damage is caused to your blood vessels.īlood pressure increases with age. The bottom number is your blood when your heart relaxes and refills with blood. The top number is the blood pressure when your heart beats.

"Every new door in heart disease is a portal worth entering.Blood pressure allows to flow and deliver nutrients to the body. "Leads like this richly catalyze the field," said Thoru Pederson, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. The researchers observed that the TgLOX mice with angiotensin II experienced a more severe heart disease than that triggered in normal mice with angiotensin II. To test the effects of increased amounts LOX in the heart, Rodríguez and colleagues used four groups of mice: 1) normal mice, 2) normal mice treated with a drug that enhances blood pressure and causes heart disease (angiotensin II), 3) mice with high levels of human LOX in the heart (named "TgLOX mice"), and 4) TgLOX mice treated with angiotensin II. Eventually, we hope to develop treatments to benefit patients with increased LOX across all of these diseases." "LOX is also increased in other diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancers. "Our data suggest that drugs preventing the increase of LOX in the heart will be interesting for the treatment of heart disease," said Cristina Rodriguez, researcher at the Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Barcelona, Spain.